Welcome! This worksheet will help us create powerful AI agents designed to elevate your marketing efforts to an elite level. Take your time, reflect, and please be honest with your answers. Every bit of information will be essential to developing powerful marketing for you. There are no "right" answers here, only the unique perspectives of your business. Ready?

I. Understanding the Ideal Client (The Foundation)

This section focuses on truly understanding who you enjoy serving the most, and who the company would love to serve more of. We’ll begin by identifying who your favorite client was, to help you properly conceptualize who the “ideal” is that would grow your business, help it be better positioned, and overall just have more fun within your market.

1. Describe the Favorite Client:

Instructions: Think about the client who was the most fulfilling to work with. What made them special? Describe them as if you are telling a friend. Try not to hold anything back, as all data here is invaluable. (Consider: size of business, business type, type of relationship, ease to do business, etc...)

Example: "My favorite client was Sarah, who runs a small sustainable clothing boutique. She's passionate about ethical fashion, and she had a clear vision of her brand that allowed me to be creative. She also responded quickly to my updates, and we developed a good synergy together with frequent communication, making this particular business quite pleasant."

2. Client's Current Situation:

Instructions: Zoom out now, from the individual experience and tell us how is this company positioned within their marketplace, how are their online profiles? Why are you needed, as a solution in their business and growth? This could encompass several angles of business performance from a bird’s-eye-view

Example: "My client is often lost amongst all of the competing similar businesses, lacking the awareness and visibility, even though she has an amazing niche audience who shares their vision, who would be incredibly enthusiastic to purchase from them! She doesn’t know how to make sure the business comes up at the top of google. I believe that's where I step in."

3. Client's Daily Frustrations (Internal):

Instructions: Think of things the daily actions or inactions that frustrate or interrupt their flow or process? This could encompass lack of time, technology that's hard to use, employees who make errors, or customers who require a lot of maintenance. Give us your best insights.

Example: "My client likely spends far too long creating social content, they might even loathe it, but feel like they 'must', wasting their valuable time. Or, maybe their biggest frustration comes from all of the random techy components with websites that confuse and intimidate them, taking even more precious time. "

4. Nightmare Triggers (Internal):

Instructions: What are the silent things that might lurk beneath the surface and keep them from living in true comfort and freedom? The types of thoughts that might plague a person from going to sleep soundly, what is being silently carried that is being tried to be avoided at all costs? These things create huge motivation that help with positioning in the market place.

Example: "They are most afraid of getting completely forgotten, seeing a competitor surge ahead because their business was finally on google map or ranked in ads. Maybe not enough client to sustain growth makes their stomach churn... or perhaps getting an unhappy email that creates internal anxiety"

5. Desires & Aspirations (External Goal):

Instructions: Looking past the problem and into what they truly dream to create? This can involve grander scales of growth or be quite simple but significant things to make the customer happy in this area. Try and think of this not just on a 'Business level', but overall the person or company that makes up the "Client"

Example: "They probably want more freedom to focus on their actual talents and enjoy the passions in the business by not being bogged down with daily menial task or technical work that they dislike or just don't have enough time for! They likely dream of making this their full-time work instead of being part time with all other distractions taken away."

6. Daily Complains (External Issue):

Instructions: When out to lunch with friends, or speaking about life after dinner with family what do they openly mention or get disgruntled about? Often these areas can illuminate deeper issues and frustrations and how they see their lives playing out in public.

Example: "My client says they've tried everything for online presence, maybe complaining about how social media marketing is an ever evolving field, or mentioning that their competitors all seem to magically rank on google without trying hard enough!"

II. Problems & Consequences (The Stakes)

Now that we've built a profile for who your favorite and ideal clients would be, lets go into the area that often get over looked, yet has incredible value: how much does the current problem actually COST this person in many factors beyond just financials? This portion has big implication for developing solutions for marketing!

7. The Cost of Inaction:

Instructions: How is not addressing their main pain costing them on several levels, it might be hard to visualize, yet very imperative to truly grasp! What are the financial costs? What about emotional impacts, or simply costs in time and efficiency? There could be multiple costs here so give detail if needed.

Example: "The inaction probably makes them very burnt out and leads to frustration due to lack of sales growth or not getting any business leads or exposure to even have an attempt for making growth! The stress alone likely costs mental capacity, focus, efficiency, money due to a bad financial ROI in the business itself"

8. Urgent Pain Points (Their Burning Problem):

Instructions: Of all the problems faced which is the one the truly can't ignore anymore? This area tends to be at the top of a list that forces someone to actually act on the areas above this step! Really take time to reflect.

Example: "My client is facing losing momentum with lack of new customers. Or, Maybe they need a major overhaul or strategy for more traffic, or more client leads so that revenue is in fact a result!"

9. Biggest Mistakes:

Instructions: Are there habits, mindsets or tactics being executed that actively hurt their business performance and impede or stunt overall growth? Identify a key area they might actively be causing self-inflicted harm or hinderances

Example: "The client often isn't focused on implementing actual actions that work, getting caught in a "cycle of social", posting "inconsistent", but actually not converting clients into anything but just mindless activity for an illusion of movement. "

III. Solutions & Transformation (Your Role)

With your clear understanding of who this client is and what problems they are facing now is time to create solution! This section highlights a path to solve current business issues from a bird's eye view of the entire plan to address all that has been said.

10. What You Would Do:

Instructions: Not about HOW to perform the duties and the work, yet share your expertise from the viewpoint of actions or plans that would best solve issues here. Try to put on your own customers' lens but give your agency knowledge on their circumstances. Consider, you ARE the expert now.

Example: "I'd start by focusing my marketing on google my business page optimization while starting lead-generating ads across social media! then take some of my best converting organic content and build landing pages from it!"

11. The Roadmap to Success (Steps you take):

Instructions: How can the roadmaps of problem solving be simplified for your perfect customer? what steps do YOU and the AGENCY lead the client through? In essence what are all the stops that occur to gain and reach full success by partnering with Social Media Labs.

Example: "First: Discovery to truly understand you, your customer and ideal messaging. Second: create marketing campaigns specifically designed for you using social media ads and SEO/ Google tactics. Third: Implement daily automated tech to improve conversion on every point, fourth: ongoing feedback and development based on actual data."

12. Your Core Value

Instructions: Summarize simply, not how you would to another colleague but to someone in need of a service in plain English (as simple as you possibly can get). Think 5-10 years ago as an end goal of simplicity here. How to communicate to your audience!

Example: "We use Social Media and SEO tools to automate customer conversion on autopilot so that you spend time in passion not working in tech or advertising"

13. Sacred Cows to Kill

Instructions: Which old ways of marketing or client engagement are actually hurting clients, that go again common practices? These often separate the true innovators from imitators who follow "everybody else".

Example: "We go against using vanity numbers that create temporary dopamine that actually lack lasting brand awareness and lack in tangible lead gen"

IV. Logistics & Competition (Practicalities)

Now the last 2 section will involve specifics and tangibles like business competitors, market valuation, pricing models as well as a deeper dive on current procedures already being taken.

14. Competitors

Instructions: Share URLs if they exist. Feel free to be extensive as all details count when understanding your unique positioning.

Example: "https://competitor1.com; https://competitor2.com"

15. Perceived Value of Results:

Instructions: Looking from the viewpoint of someone seeking a business such as yours. what does it actually "cost" this type of person or business to get their desired results? try to look past a literal price in dollar signs and understand "perceived worth"

Example: "Increased revenues? Reduced hours working the "day to day grind"? Peace of Mind? All those should be considered in this question of total perceived value from agency work"

16. Your Pricing (How will the project actually start):

Instructions: From the perspective of your offer, that encompasses all the aspects needed to succeed what will likely be the dollar figure that accurately addresses what a full client transformation will look like, be sure to use all past answers to fuel here.

Example: “For a comprehensive initial consultation, brand audit, custom digital campaign planning and automated execution across key digital mediums, $7,000 - $10,000 feels right.”

17. Your Sales Process

Instructions: Lets describe and detail exactly the path from cold contact to potential sale. As the new clients onboard into the business, what are the stages they go through, in terms of how communication takes place to how sales takes place.

Example: "First, leads make initial contact on socials or website form. Next a free phone consult then after that if we align then send the offer and invoice to them via email. Once payed then full official client status ensues with contract signing as well.”

18. How to Close and get more Customers

Instructions: Look now internally from within your company from start to closing deal - how are YOU getting your clients currently. Is it something simple as showing past work? Offering an assessment or consultation for free to entice a first interaction with your process? How does all that get put together for someone to trust you enough to finally start paying the fees?! Be detailed, and if you struggle for specifics that is great and gives direction to make future changes."

Example: “Typically, a free business diagnostic that gets all information for the customer from Google’s platform and social platforms. Then based on analysis we build a custom demo campaign plan based on information we gather during a sales consultation, before showing examples, before price is ever mentioned to build as much value upfront before committing the clients dollar."

19. Biggest Result

Instructions: Considering everything before hand here in this process, the entire culmination of past answers should influence an impactful one line to encapsulate the most overall end goal and result you bring when clients work with your business, from a large-scope view point.

Example: "The greatest result is freedom. Freedom from tech or "social hamster wheel". So leaders of companies get to actually operate at leadership not "working on small details"

V. Company Details